Healthcare maintenance management software

Automate Healthcare Equipment Maintenance & Promote Patient Care

Our healthcare maintenance management software helps practice managers experience seamless bio-medical equipment tracking and maintenance so that they can focus on their core.

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Healthcare CMMS Software Features

EquipMate streamlines biomedical equipment maintenance, automating tasks and empowering staff. This ensures smooth operation, minimizes downtime,and extends equipment life – saving you time, and money and also keeping you compliant for better patient care.

Healthcare CMMS Software

Streamline Healthcare Work Orders in Record Time!

No more paperwork headaches, quickly generate work orders for repairs, replacements, and preventive maintenance tasks.

Simplify workflow by automating work order creation

Boost staff efficiency by freeing up their time for higher- value tasks

Improve response time by addressing equipment issues faster

Healthcare maintenance management software

Prevent Healthcare Asset Loss and Downtime

Establish clear asset hierarchies and track maintenance history for informed decision-making.

Proactive maintenance based on usage and history reduces unexpected breakdowns

Improved tracking and prioritization help prevent asset loss and misplacement

Prioritize work orders based on urgency and impact for maximum efficiency

healthcare asset hierarchies
Make Smarter Decisions

Enable Data-Driven Decision with Hospital CMMS Software

Healthcare facility maintenance software helps you visualize your assets with overlay asset data equipment location and maintenance needs.

Gain Actionable Insights by Identifying trends in asset performance data

Maximize equipment uptime by scheduling regular maintenance

Boost Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) with 360 data insights


Ready To Navigate Your Equipment
Needs With EquipMate?

Frequently Asked Question

CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System. In healthcare, a CMMS specifically helps manage the maintenance of medical equipment, ensuring its functionality and compliance with regulations.

Yes, EquipMate provides a user-friendly mobile app. This app streamlines equipment maintenance tasks by making them accessible from anywhere, improving efficiency for your biomedical staff.

Yes, EquipMate is a leading healthcare CMMS software solution. It automates scheduling, tracking, and reporting tasks, freeing up staff and ensuring your equipment receives proper maintenance.

EquipMate focuses on user experience and offers several advantages:

  • Automates tasks for efficiency
  • Frees up technicians for critical work
  • Minimizes downtime and extends equipment lifespan
  • Saves time, and money, and reduces repair or replacement costs
  • Ensures adherence to healthcare equipment maintenance regulations


Explore our CMMS resources and learn the secrets to efficient maintenance for better operations and equipment management.

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